I’m seeing Faces in everyday Japanese objects, can you see them?

This is just a little bit of fun, over the last few weeks, I have been seeing faces in everyday Japanese items.

What do you think?


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I suppose I see disturbing faces, sort of haunting, What do you think?

A face with a very long nose?

Interesting a face, one red eye, one blue eye.

You have to tilt your head a little bit, but I can see quite an attractive face, looking back at me.

As I said this is just a little bit of fun, I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures.

If you are interested in Pareidolia: Pareidolia can cause people to interpret random images, or patterns of light and shadow, as faces. Please check out my article about crabs in a certain part of Japan that is perceived to have a face of an angry samurai warrior on their shell. https://japanesetales.com/the-crab-with-an-angry-samurai-face/